In 2014, 10% Of Texas Electricity was Wind Generated

More than 10% of the electricity used in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) territory was generated from the wind in 2014, as reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The percentage of electricity generated by wind in the ERCOT area grew from 6.2%  to 10.6% from 2009 to 2014, as total electricity generation increased over the same period by 11.3%.  This increase in wind generation is a result of new wind generators coming online and grid infrastructure improvements that have made it possible for more wind powered electricity to reach the end electricity user.

Wind generated electricity in ERCOT almost doubled from 18.8 million MWh to 36.1 million MWh during this same period: 2009 to 2014. Wind capacity has also greatly increased over the past six years, but wind generation has grown at an even quicker click –  in part because of restrictions on the delivery systems that kept wind generated electricity providers from operating at their maximum capability were incrementally reduced through a state planned delivery expansion .

As these limiting electricity delivery points were eliminated, more electricity from wind farms in the northwest part of Texas could be delivered to areas of the state with a denser population.

It’s worth noting that in Texas, the peak wind season is during the spring, that is, March to June.  The wind generation then significantly decreases between July and September. As data from the past six years indicates, wind electricity generated from the months March through June, on average, account for about 40% of the annual wind generated electricity in the ERCOT service area.


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